Tuesday, March 25, 2014

When Giants Walked The Earth

Look, I know you young punks think celebrity culture has run amok these days, what with your real housewives and Kardashins and Bennifers and bachelorettes and Duck Dynasties and what have you.

But those are nothing compared to what we had to deal with while I growing up.

My generation, you see, faced the menace of...


Also, just as terrifying...

GIANT SCOTT BAIO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And perhaps worst of all...

Shirtless Dirk Benedict!!!!!

Oh, 1970s...

Ad from Reggie And Me #118 (1979)

1 comment:

  1. I dunno, man ... I sent off for that giant Susan Anton poster, probably from the back pages of an Archie comic just as you cite ... it really was essentially life-sized and adorned my bedroom door for several years. I certainly would have been horrified to have Giant Scott Baio staring at me but Susan was a great comfort. Sigh.
