Thursday, January 2, 2014

The Comic That DC MUST Publish Next

The single biggest miscalculation in DC history?

In a letter published in Weird War Tales #91 (1980), Barbara Long of Blue Springs, Mississippi writes in about how a character who had appeared in a prior issue bore a resemblance to another DC character...

Now, I don't have the issue in question, and I can't find a picture anywhere, but let's just go with the notion that the creature in "Freed From The Depths" looked like Jimmy Olsen as Turtle Man.

But in his reply, Paul Levitz blows it big time:

What?!? "You won't be seeing [Jimmy Olsen] in this comic"?!??! Oh, Mr. Levitz, what a tragic error!

I'm telling you, if I were in charge of DC tomorrow, the next nu52 title would be Jimmy Olsen: Weird War Correspondent. (OK, you can call it Weird War Tales Starring Jimmy Olsen, or some such trademark extension scheme).

Think of it--Death (the host of this war horror anthology) somehow tricks Olsen into taking his place, and Jimmy keeps bouncing from era to era, having to cover weird war stories, as he hopes in vain that the next time-jump will take him to a time and place where Superman can hear the signal watch...

Admit it--you would buy the living hell out of that comic, wouldn't you? Especially if Jimmy encountered the Creature Commandos or G.I. Robot, or if he ended up in this story:

Are you listening, DC? Jimmy Olsen's Weird War Tales--make it happen!! (Especially as you're not doing anything particularly interesting with Olsen right now, anyway...)

BONUS: Of course, maybe the "turtle creature" was this guy. That could make this spring's movie very interesting....


  1. Oh wow, yes yes a thousand times yes! And the first story could have Lucy Lane dragged into the past and marry a caveman because he has a Clark Gable tache.

    That Weird War logo rather scared me as a kid.

  2. No matter how good the end idea, gonna have to call Nope! on Barb. Not much like Jimmy at all. But, y'know... it does look a good bit like the Monstrobot Of The Deep got stuck in some ice while time displaced. Maybe grew a fin on his head while in the ice...
