Saturday, January 25, 2014

And Then There Was The Time That The Fantastic Four Saved The DC Universe?!?

And lo, there came a time when the Marvel heroes had to rescue the DC Universe:

Special bonus: the close up of Namor's hinder...

This wasn't just a cover stunt, either. Aliens invade the Earth, so the call goes out:

But the best heroes are kinda busy...

So the other guys come to help:

Let's focus on The Thing The Watchamacallit:

But thanks to an alien ray...



Actually, I rather like this one...

I really, really want a Ben Grimm toy like this...

Anyhoo, Superman eventually shows up and saves the day.

Enjoy the Inferior Five while you can...I have it on good authority that next week in Forever Evil #6, Geoff Johns will bring them back just to have Superwoman graphically dismember them, just so we know the being from an evil universe is actually evil....because WRITING!!

From The Inferior Five #10 (1968)