Thursday, December 5, 2013

The Zoo-Side New Zoo Blues (Finally)

At last!! I've overcome the never-ending conundrum!!

See, there were no instructions written on the back cover... I just opened the issue from there!!

Yes, it took me nearly a week to figure it out...

So finally, we can get down to business and take an accurate look at the rock 'n' roll scene of the 1960s!!

This is the second part of a continued story, and I don't have the first, so I'm going to be as confused as you.

This mop-topped mod band had found a singing & dancing bear, who made their act a hit. Unfortunately, they thought he was just a guy in a bear suit, so they thought nothing of letting him eat ice cream.

Oh, but you should never let bears eat ice cream...

Fortunately, the zookeeper comes along...

But the bear wants to continue his rock & roll lifestyle!

Well, there's a solution for this.

See, there's this Scotsman who had been trying to kidnap the bear--this was a very odd story, I tell you--but he goes straight, and they hire him to...


Other zoo creatures join in...

There's been a motorcycle gang involved, because, 60s, and...

So we get the feel good hit of 1969:

Groovy, man, indeed!!

From Treasure Chest Of Fun And Fact Volume 23 #19 (1969)