Thursday, December 12, 2013

The Overpriced Return Of The 100-Page Super Spectacular!

Surely you remember those great DC 100-Page Super Spectaculars from back in the day, right?

100 pages!! Just 50 cents!! What an insanely great deal!!

Well, it may be 40 years later, but the 100-Page Super Spectacular is back, baby!!

Oh, yeah!! I can hardly wait...

Damn you, DC Comics! Damn you to hell!!

Man, I hate living in the future sometimes...

80% of this is a Batman/Two-Face story that involves Harvey Dent going to the Catholic Church for redemption.

Actual Two-Face quote: "I know the catechism, Father: God is one, the Father almighty. But God is also three: the Father, The Son, and the Holy Spirit. And what I want to know is how God can possibly understand what I've gone through when he's one and three but never just two."

So, yeah, there's that.

And of course someone murders a priest as part of some silly land sale rigamarole and frames Harvey for it and Batman investigates with a priest who distrusts him and whom he distrusts but they ultimately come to respect each other blah blah Batman steals Harvey's coin blah blah Bruce Wayne donates a ton of land to the poor blah blah.

It's a long, LONG but fairly boring mystery that reads like an infomercial for the Catholic Church. But at least you get 70+ pages of Tom Mandrake art, which ain't chopped liver. If only it were in service of a better story...

The second story involves Harley Quinn forcing Batman to let her psychoanalyze him. Not necessarily a bad premise--writers often forget that she used to have a day job--but spread out over 20 pages, there's not a lot there to be worth the space.

So worth $9.99? No way. 50¢? Just maybe...