Friday, December 27, 2013

Friday Night Fights--A Tiger?!? In Africa?!? Style!!

Are you ready?


Now that you're awake, it's time to use this week's Friday Night Fights to retain my status as the number one Google result for "Man-on-animal action."

It's the jungle, and some idiots get themselves cornered by a tiger...

Fortunately, Lord Greystoke happens to be swinging by...

Damn straight!!

Spacebooger, like Monty Python, asks, "A tiger?!? In Africa?!?" But this isn't's an uncharted island settled by ancient Mayans, and a ship carrying zoo animals crashed there, and...oh, don't worry, it's just Tarzan.

Tarzan kills a tiger with his bare hands thanks to Joe Kubert (script and layouts) and Franc Reyes (finished art and inks) in Tarzan #242 (1975)

Now is the time for you to go and vote for my fight. Why? Hello--Tarzan killed a tiger with his bare hands!! What more can you want?!? So go vote!!


  1. Yes, but at the time when the story was set, they weren't...

  2. Wonderful image, a brave man dominates a cowardly beast, an animal that doesn't deserve to live.

  3. For this cowardly predator, his extraordinary strength was worthless. A man of courage simply broke two vertebrae around his neck with an embrace and liquidated him.
