Friday, November 1, 2013

Friday Night Fights--No Damned Asgardian Font Style!!

Look,it's going to take all of my restraint to stop from turning this entire Friday Night Fights into a rant against the use of Marvel's "Asgardian font."

So let me just ask you to notice that, throughout this story--throughout the whole goddamn Lee & Kirby run--there's not a trace of that soul-sucking, brain-deadening excuse for depicting the way that all Asgardians speak. BAH!!!

Anyway, in yet another of his trademark bi-polar snits, Odin has stripped Thor of his godhood. Mjolnr is no longer enchanted, Thor can't fly or summon the storm or anything remotely cool. He's still as strong as an ox, but that's it.

Thor has just been thrown in jail--long story, it's the Circus Of Crime's fault--but he's just been bailed out by a mysterious benefactor...

Oh, sibling rivalry...


Sif and Balder show up to prevent that final blow, but I think we know Thor was finished there...

Spacebooger would like to know why people get so worked up about Comic Sans yet are willing to give Asgardian Font a pass...

Artie Simek never, ever used Asgardiasn Font, especially in Thor #147 (1967), as reprinted in Marvel Spectacular #18 (1975), by Stan Lee, Jack Kirby and Vince Coletta

Now is the time time for you to go and vote for my fight. Why? Well, if I lose this week, I might do all of my future posts in Asgardian Font...and we wouldn't want that. So go vote!!


  1. So...did Thor ever pay Loki back for bailing him out of jail?

    1. It involved a Rolex, poptarts, bacon, and the title "King of Asgard" for a day.
