Monday, September 2, 2013

Manic Labor Day Triple Overtime--Henpecked Dis

Sandra Forbes is very upset the her "friend" Merry has the lead in the epic gladiator movie they're filming (named Gladiator...see, Ridley Scott isn't the only director with a lack of imagination...). And she's upset that Merry has won the love of their leading man.

So, while sulking, Sondra looks through the props (all "borrowed from Roman museums") and discovers...

Well, that's rather psychotic!

But Sandra does indeed manipulate the director to not start filming until February 15th, and to have that trumpet used. So...

...and of course...


Now, my studies of Roman mythology never revealed that Dis (an alternate name for Pluto, don't you know?) dressed like Iron Man and talked like the Hulk. Still, why not, right?

So Sandra makes her move!!


That was a pretty crappy outcome for Sandra, but then again, it was a pretty crappy plan, and she was pretty nuts, so...there you go.

Oh, but we're not done yet. After some rampaging by Dis. our hunky movie star manages to drive him away..but...

Because, you see, it turns out that...

...Hell is not immune to sexist stereotypes!!


From Skeleton Hand In Secrets Of The Supernatural #4 (1953)


  1. Heh. Now that's a fabulous comic.

  2. What a great ending, like one of the better episodes of Night Gallery. Dis.horn was kind of the Bizarro
