Saturday, August 31, 2013

Spoiler Saturday--Backgrounhd Check!

In reference to this week's Batman/Superman #3:

Let me say up front that I am not trying to diminish Jae Lee's artistic talents. I don't particularly care for his style--particularly in recent years--but that's just my personal taste. It cannot be denied, though, that the guy can draw pretty damn good.

But as a comic book artist/storyteller? Well...

Let's look at 3 sequences from the book.

1st, can you figure out where we are?

Gotham? Metropolis? On the ground? In the air? Atop a building? Daytime? Nighttime? In heaven, surrounded by swirly clouds? 


Spoiler alert--this is Smallville (a caption told us). Most of the earlier questions apply, though...


It begins to look like heaven might be the correct answer. A dry ice factory? Venus?

I'm just saying, Jack Kirby had more background in one panel than we got in this entire issue...

I shouldn't complain, though. If Lee can only finish 14 pages a month without backgrounds, it's probably a good thing he doesn't attempt them, or his output might drop to unmeasurable levels.


  1. These look like the backgrounds photographers use to sit petulant children in front of when taking crappy school keepsakes.

  2. How does projecting heat from your eyes enable you to do 'cellular reconstruction?'

  3. What's with all the fog? Were they fighting Mysterio?
