Monday, July 1, 2013

Manic Monday--The Day Kal-El Got WGBS Sued--Twice!!

Superman and Batman suspect that a night club mentalist named Sagittarius is involved in some shady business, but they can't prove anything.

So they decide to do what any detectives would do: run a vaguely worded news story on a major network to see if they can get a response:

Well, they get a response, all right... just not the one they were hoping for...

Well, this is a Bob Haney the heroes are neither good detectives nor good superheroes. Which leaves them nope choice but to taunt Sagittarius on the air...again. But how?

And so...

Ah, two libel suits in two is good for Morgan Edge!

Fortunately, Sagittarius died at the end of the story, so the lawsuits went away...

From World's Finest #235 (1976). An Internet outage meant this post was composed entirely on my phone, so please forgive the rough edges...

1 comment:

  1. Reading quickly led me to believe Internet outrage caused you to use your phone....I was about to start clicking around to find out what I'd missed!!!
