Saturday, May 18, 2013

New Contest: Two Words, Ten Letters, 2015

On Formspring, Tom Brevoort spilled a bean or two about Marvel's future plans:

If all goes as planned, our big storyline for 2015 will have a title that’s two words long, ten letters in total.
Well, then, game on. Two words. Ten letters. Go!

I, Marvelman

It might take that long to actually clear up the rights tangle.

But it's a great name for a series, right?

Of course, the question then becomes, how exactly does Marvelman fit into the Marvel Universe? Does Doctor Gargunza know Dr. Doom? Does Mike Moran work at the Daily Bugle? Or would this just turn into another Sentry-level clusterfrak?

Darth Vader

By 2015 Disney will have given the Star Wars comic(s) to Marvel. And why not be ambitious about it? An Exiles team leaps into the Star Wars universe, and inadvertently brings Vader back to 616. Ah, the ensuing havoc. Especially when it turns out that The Force is...

Hey, it makes more sense than having Norman Osborn run things during Dark Reign...

Malibu Wars

Marvel will finally resolve whatever the pesky contractual problems are, and revive the Malibu Universe, and integrate it into Marvel-616. Black September II, dawg!!

ROM Revived

Speaking of intractable rights problems...

Well, it's late, that's all I've got. Your turn now.

Big storyline. Two words. Ten letters. GO!!!


  1. Will the winner only be announced in 2015?

    (still working on an answer...)

  2. Reboot Time.

    Might be more DC appropriate, though.

  3. Tired of the super heroes getting all the fame and glory, Fin Fang Foom leads the pre-Marvel Atlas monsters into battle in the Monster Wars! See Googam take on the Defenders, Van Doom's Monster fight the Fantastic Four and Fin Fang Foom take on the Avengers! Can Morbius, Werewolf by Night, Man Thing, the Monster of Frankenstein, Gargoyle. Ghost Rider and Satanna stop the monsters as the all new Monstrous Avengers?

  4. I'm definitely not saying you're idea isn't great, Tom, but that's way more than two words...
