Thursday, March 14, 2013

The 99% Solution

So how do a motley band of non-powered heroes (most of whom weren't all that impressive when they did have powers) escape their super-prison?

Like this:

And the tables are turned...

And when our evil alien masters come to find out what the heck is going on...

What?!?! How, then...?

Well, any good Silver Age story burns up the last third with flashbacks and explanations. So, here we go...

Remember, the seed was planted earlier, when we were told the red sun filter wasn't 100% effective:

Because that's how red sun filters work: some powers just aren't effected as much, er, somehow.


And of course, there's always the "yes, but" part of the wrap-up:

But that means...

One more "yes, but" to go...

Because even though the ancient Kryptonians had no super-powers, they apparently had super-hypnosis, and therefore had need of a "super-de-hypnotizing" machine. Because of course!

So now you know the story of how Batman became a sdaistic prison warden, and how powerless Superman still kicked the aliens' asses.

The End.

From World's Finest # 145 (1964), as reprinted in World's Finest #197 (1970)


  1. If the DC Silver Age were a wet cloth and you wringed and wringed and wringed that cloth, extracting every drop, you would have this comic.

  2. This made my brain... hurt... must ignore giella art.

