Monday, December 10, 2012

Manic Monday Bonus--Ejector Seat

The Green Arrow has always been the guy with the inferiority complex, the guy who tries harder, the guy with crazy Batman envy.

And at times, it made him go to ridiculous lengths to impress us.

Case in point: when you pull up to a building, you could enter the normal way. But not if you're The Green Arrow...

So...when you're Oliver Queen, a better alternative to taking the stairs (or elevator) is to launch yourself via catapult, and smash through a glass window?!?

I mean aside from the ridiculous expense, and the incredible risk of injury to yourself and others, what's not to like?

PS--note that he's referred to as THE Green Arrow. I'm telling you, we need to revive this...

From More Fun Comics #73 (1941). Hey, DC really should revive the More Fun Comics title....because who doesn't want more fun?!?


  1. The really weird thing, what if these weren't Bad Guys at all? Ollie is just really really lazy.

  2. Those weren't bad guys, Sally...those were the guys being threatened by the villain.

  3. I DO hope that he at least offered to pay for their window!
