Monday, October 29, 2012

Manic Monday Bonus--Clark's New Cheerleader Buddy!


Whatever your opinion of the other events of Superman #13, and whatever your opinion of various previous incarnations of Cat Grant, it probably isn't a good thing that they've made her a bubble-headed cheerleader with a particularly impossibly-proportioned body.

Kenneth Rocafort seems to have gotten a pass on making every woman in this book into a cheesecake model (in fairness, there's a fair amount of beefcake, too--oh, Jimmy!!). As I tweeted last night, if he had drawn Babs or Lois or Diana or Selina this way, there would have been an internet furor. Cat? Oh, she's just a supporting character, and now she's a ditz, so it must be OK...


  1. Oh come now, that is totally realistic! ALL women stand that way! And have no internal organs!

  2. I can tell you that I certainly noticed she was built like a Liefeld character and did not appreciate it. She shares the same creator DNA as New52 Starfire, so regardless of the art, she's another vacuous sex bomb who'll stand by her man, courtesy Mr. Lobdell.

    He found the criticism re:Starfire so "painful" last time, I was sure he'd never do it again. We're gonna make him cry, guys.

  3. I would greatly enjoy making Mr. Lobdell cry. He's been ruining some pretty good characters lately.
