Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Cover Captions That Sadly Lied To Us

It's been quite a while since we've researched The Lyingest Cover In Marvel History.

 Well, 20 years ago this month...

Sadly for us, Cable and Deadpool BOTH "walked away," and have stubbornly refused to die, despite many a fake-out over the past 2 decades.

Of course, one of the ground rules I layed out lo those many years ago was that over-hyperbolic captions were not enough to actually qualify a particular cover as The Lyingest Cover In Marvel History. So, I guess X-Force #15 (1992) can't really be TLCIMH.

So, all we can do is gaze wistfully at the cover and wish it had been true...


  1. I have never bought a Deadpool or Cable comic - it's the only way.

  2. Well maybe one walked and one skipped?

  3. Have never understood the appeal of either character....

  4. ...but that's just me...I could be wrong.
