Saturday, September 1, 2012

Great Moments In Script And Art Complimenting Each Other--JLI Annual #1!

Don't you love it when art and script mesh perfectly?

Like, for example, in this week's Justice League International Annual #1.

The art is by Jason Fabok, whilst the script is by the two most powerful men at DC, Dan DiDio and Geoff Johns, so we know with metaphysical certitude that these two guys can't mess up.

We begin in "central Africa," where warlord/"thug" Mukassa has a bunch of hostages, and the JLI is coming in for the rescue:

Please note that Mukassa pretty clearly has dynamite strapped to his chest, what looks to be some type of explosive device around his waist, and wires sticking out everywhere.

Batwing swoops in and snatches him...

But Mukassa has other ideas:


Well, Booster is a little bit upset that they let Mukassa take the coward's way out, but don't worry--Batwing has a perfectly believable explanation:

One more time, please. The "Batman Of Africa," Batwing, tells us:

Let's go to the tape...

Yup, small. Undetectable. No way on Earth Batwing could have been expected to know the guy was covered with explosives. No way he could ever intuit that a guy with a suicide vest might have a trigger on it somewhere.

Now, we know that DC's Chief Creative Officer and Co-Publisher could never be so careless as to write a scene where the dialogue clearly and completely contradicted the art. So we can only assume that they intentionally meant to portray Batwing as a total liar or a total idiot. A CYA super-hero, or blind as a bat(wing).

Stay tuned to Slay Monstrobot in the future for more Great Moments In Script And Art Complimenting Each Other!!


  1. Lazy editing and poor artistic interpretation of script. Did Dan and Geoff even look at the comic before it came out!

  2. Technically Mike Marts was editor of the book (and Brian Smith associate editor). As if any of them are going to tell DiDio and Johns they did something wrong...

  3. I can only assume that they meant the detonator was small and know, something about the size of a matchbook.

  4. Darn it, snell - I was planning a post about the exact same thing.

    "Undetectable" my arse.

  5. Hey, if those two can overlook the value of Lois Lane, they can overlook ANYTHING.

  6. Batwing thought they were pouches.

  7. You know I was so irked by the rest of the comic this completely slipped my mind. There seems to be a lot of bad editing for this book. *sigh*
