Comic companies sure choose the weirdest things to boast about sometimes. For example:
Say what?!?
Yes, they're actually proud of having the first comic book that cost a dollar each month. "Yay, look at us, we're charging two and a half times what regular comics cost!!"
Of course, back in 1980, they gave you a lot of extra content for the extra coin. Today, you're going to pay four times that dollar, for a third of the story pages.
So, I guess they really did have something to boast about. You rock on, 1980 Detective Comics. You rock on...
House ad from April 1980 issues of DC
Oh boy, those first Dollar Comics were such a bargain, weren't they four times the comic for less than three times the price. 72 pages out of 80, if memory serves - though I think the proportions had shrunk by this time. Still ... And sigh.