Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Now THIS Is How A Sidekick Merchandises!

Yesterday, we saw the dilemma of poor Snapper Carr, the former "mascot" of the JLA who dropped out of school, was unable to find a job, and couldn't figure a way to cash in on his celebrity.

Well, you know who had no such problems? Jimmy Olsen:

And soon...

So you see, Jimmy Olsen is the sidekick who knew how to cash in!!

[SPOILER ALERT: It turns out that Jethro Hale was unknowingly working for Mr. Mxyzptlk, as part of an odd an nonsensical scheme to bedevil the Man Of Steel. And when Mxy was banished...


Of course, real people were willing to spend real money on Olsen novelties, so I'm not sure why some real company wouldn't have stepped in to try to meet the obviously huge demand. Silver Age, right?]

Still, no welfare office for Jimmy, is all I'm sayin'...

From Jimmy Olsen #114 (1968)

1 comment:

  1. Oh boy, Jimmy was such an ass back then. Suddenly I see why Lucy Lane gave him such a hard time!
