Monday, April 16, 2012

ManicMonday--Thinking Too Much About Marvel House Ads, Part II

I'll grant you, Marvel was probably a slightly less sophisticated operation back in 1981.

But it seems to me, if you want to push a new character and his book, this might not be the way to do it: mention of the Doug Moench/Bill Sienkiewicz examples of artwork or storylines or don't even show a single freakin' picture of Moon Knight, so the uninitiated might realize whom you're talking about.

Nope, just show several other Marvel characters dissing on him, or telling you not to buy his book. That'll work...

And these weren't individual panels scattered throughout the, this was a full-page ad:

That is a pretty odd way to use a full-page ad to market a new character, is all I'm saying. Me, I would run something like this:

But obviously my inability to think outside the box is why I'm not in marketing...

From Hulk Annual #10 (1981)


  1. But the puns are what draws the kids in!

  2. Hmm, maybe the planned ad wasn't ready and they had to mock something up in a hurry. Like Carol Danvers' hair ...
