Friday, April 13, 2012

Friday Night Fights--Yes, This Is 100% Canonical Style!!

OK, gang. It's Friday Night Fights time, and I've been waiting to run this fight for a few weeks...but without a scanner, I couldn't do it justice, as my Flintstones version of doing posts was far too arduous [long story short: I had to physically cut panels out of my comics, send them by carrier pigeon to a wizened shaman who would convert them to digital, and then send the 1s and 0s via smoke signal an offshore site, where they would convert them back into pictures and email them to my phone, whereupon I would spend many hours swearing at my phone and Google and Blogger and anything else that came to mind until, by osmosis, the pictures appeared on my site. Then begin the process of actually writing...Longer story short--don't let your computer die.]

Anyway, you may ask, what fight was so special that it justified my holding it back for almost a month?

Oh, yes. Or, as I'm fond of saying: THIS REALLY HAPPENED!!

Yes, Ren & Stimpy had their very own Marvel comic book for 44 issues (and many, many specials) back in the 1990s. So,take back everything bad you ever said about comic books in the 90s.

A recurring character in the show and the comic was, well, Powdered Toast Man. Look, it can't be explained...just click the link.

Anyhoo, PTM is being controlled by an evil villain:

Fortunately, a certain wallcrawler is on the scene to help out:

And thus begins the battle royale:

And then Spider-Man milks out the finale...

Spacebooger is just glad I left out the 3 FULL PAGES where Spidey is trapped in Powdered Toast Man's snot...

Dan Slott and Mike Kazaleh give us the long lost issue of Marvel Team-Up in The Ren & Stimpy Show #6 (1993). Yes, Dan Slott. Dan Slott writing a Spider-Man story. Therefore, ipso facto, it is 100% canonical. So there...

Now is the time for you to go and vote for my fight this week. Why? Well. if you don',t I can always run those snot-covered-Spider-Man pages...


  1. Spidey Goes Toastal!

  2. I have to admit...this is magnificently bad...and therefore good.
