Sunday, February 19, 2012

Yet Another Reason They Don't Let me Write Comics

Story idea that came to me in a dream:

Someone's been monkeying in the time stream, and Thomas and Martha Wayne are never murdered!! Yay, right?

Unfortunately, this means that Bruce Wayne never becomes Batman...and, in one of those "step on a butterfly" kinda things, the result is that the entire world becomes a post-apocalyptic hell.

So the Phantom Stranger takes Bruce back in time...and adult Bruce Wayne has to replace Joe Chill and shoot his own parents to repair the timeline and save the world.

Yes, I know that's completely ripped off from The City On The Edge Of Forever. I dreamed it, OK? So it must be an Inception, and someone must have wanted me to have the idea, right? Right? the internet's premier Batmanologist Chris Sims AND Harlan Ellison are gonna kick my ass.

[PS--before you ask, there was a very good reason why the Phantom Stranger didn't just shoot the Waynes himself, or get someone besides Bruce to do it, or get Rip Hunter...but damned if I can remember it after waking up. Probably it was Darkseid's fault...or Bat-Mite...]


  1. I'd read it. and use it as another excuse to mock batman. we can never get enough reasons to mock batman.

  2. You can never have enough reasons to mock a guy who dresses up like flying vermin and throws the mentally ill through plate glass windows.
