Friday, February 10, 2012

Friday Night Fights--Like Unto A Thing Of Iron Style!!

This week for Friday Night Fights, the unstoppable force meets the immovable object.

Or, more simply, Iron Fist vs. the Invisible Woman.

It's Chris Claremont's first issue of the Fantastic Four, so of course he has to wok in his pet characters from previous assignments. Solution? Easy peasy--Sue is getting combat training from Danny Rand:

Look, it's KNOW he's going to over-narrate the hell out of this thing. Just go with it.

Hey, that's


So, cool new use for her powers, took out a cocky kung fu master. Fight over, right?

No, not yet...

Oh, don't worry, kids, she's just fine.

Spacebooger is upset because he bet the paycheck on Sue to win this fight.

Claremont, Salvador Larocca, and Art Thibert show us that sparring isn't just fun and games in Fantastic Four #6 (1998).

So now the time has come for you to travel over to Spacebooger's crib and vote for my fight. Because the Invisible Woman could be standing right behind you, ready to whack you with her invisible bo staff. Why risk it? Go vote!!

1 comment:

  1. You just beat up someone's mother, that's what you've done, Danny!
