Thursday, February 9, 2012

Department Of WTF Comparisons

From an in-house ad from Dynamite, interviewing Garth Ennis about his forthcoming The Shadow series (sorry it's so small, just click on it to embiggen):

"Who's a bigger bastard, Lamont Cranston or Nick Fury"?!?!? Where the hell did that come from?

On the surface, at least, it's a lot of apples and oranges there...Nick Fury is a James Bond/U.N.C.L.E. superspy, where the Shadow is a pulp crime-fighter.

Plus, Nick Fury? Sure, he can be a sunnuvabeetch sometimes...but as Ennis notes, he's not particularly a bastard. So it's really not a terribly apt question.

For better comic book analogies, you might ask if the Shadow or John Constantine were a bigger bastard, or the Shadow vs. Rorschach, or Lamont Cranston vs. Wolverine.

Not to pick on you, anonymous Dynamite editor/PR person who wrote the "questions" for this "interview" (unless, of course, Ennis wrote the questions for himself...). But I'm thinking future Dynamite interviews might feature questions like this:

"Who's the Kirby character--Captain Victory or Thanos?"

"Who's the deadlier jungle fighter--Tarzan or Blue Beetle?"

"Who's the nastier female vampire--Vampirella or Wonder Woman?"

OK, I'll stop now...


  1. Blue Beetle would obviously win.

  2. Everything Garth Ennis knows about The Shadow he seems to have picked up from Howard Chaykin or Andrew Helfer. Feh! I'll take the original novels that he's never bothered with.

  3. I was pretty darn fond of the Helfer run...
