Saturday, January 21, 2012

Cover Me Saturday

#1) Wow...

...Green Arrow really doesn't like Jim Lee's Justice League costume designs, does he...? (that's the solicited cover to Justice League #8)

#2) Daredevil is one of the best mags on the market right now, stem to stern, and it starts with great covers:

And, as local comics shoppe curmudgeon Josh pointed out to me, the conceit works equally well if you turn it upside down:

Marvel kinda missed the boat by not releasing it that way as a variant cover (or even as the cover to the first part of the story, in Amazing Spider-Man...

#3) Lyingest Cover Blurb Of The Week:

Yeah, right...this is DC, where heroes get to commit universal genocide and walk away with a shrug, a grin, and a "my bad."


  1. Poor Ollie. He just wants to join SO BAD! I agree with the Daredevil cover, that's pretty fabulous.

    And I have been avoiding the new Blue Beetle book like the plague. I like the OLD new Blue Beetle book with John Rogers SO much better.

  2. I think Ollie's just irritable because he's been, in the words of Chris Sims, "Justin Hartleyed up".

    Daredevil#8 is my candidate for cover of the year so far. But the year's still young.

  3. That Green Arrow cover seems like yet another homage to the old "Days of Future Past" Uncanny X-Men cover...

  4. That Blue Beetle cover blurb is just sad.

    And stupid.

    And apropos of nothing.

  5. In fairness, Mitchell, Blue Beetle--or, rather, the Scarab--had just impaled and apparently killed Paco. So, apropos of something...

  6. Thanks, Snell.

    However, not having read the book, it's hard to tell just why BB has his woe-face (as opposed to his war-face) on. The blurb does not invite me to find out what's going on.

    But it is nice to know that our hero has a reason to be upset.
