Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Best Cover You've Never Seen--Pretty In Pink

It's not too often you see the Bat-logo rendered in pink...

But damn if it doesn't work here, especially with the purple skeletons, and with one skeleton's purple skull posed over the logo where the Bat-face usually goes.

Sadly, there is not a single skeleton in the issue, purple or otherwise. Damned lying covers...

Still, kudos to Ed Hannigan, Dick Giordano, and unknown colorist, for the cover of Batman #360 (1983)


  1. That IS rather nice. I know that it is the job of covers to hook you and reel you into reading the fershlugginer thing, but would it be too much to ask to actually HAVE skeletons?

  2. Ah, I remember that one, striking stuff. But then, it is an Ed Hannigan cover ... He probably suggested the colours.
