Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Best Cover You've Never Seen, Chapter XXIX

Daredevil #328 (1994), cover art by Scott McDaniel


  1. That is pretty cool. Has almost a Steranko vibe to it. Those were dark days for comics in '94. What is the story like?

  2. I haven't read it yet--just picked it up in the quarter bin yesterday on the strength of the cover. It's a fill in, though (hence the "interlude" on the cover), so my hopes aren't high...

  3. I tried reading this era of Daredevil a few years ago and I think my brain exploded from its awfulness.

    Incomprehensible from the script to the art. It's a wonder anyone kept collecting Daredevil that.

  4. The first DD armor storyline wasn't bad, and Scott McDaniel drew the hell out of that suit. Nobody else at the time could get in to look quite right, and I have no idea where the story went. Still, nice cover.

  5. I remember a storyline involving Stiltman, roaches and a big vat of cooking grease. McDaniel is actually a very capable artist. I wouldn't want him on Justice League....but he does a great job on "street level" heroes.
