Thursday, September 1, 2011

Tales From The Quarter Bin--Blackwulf #1!!

The quarter bin, besides being a great place to find cheap reading material, can also serve as a repository for those who have long vanished from our memories (deservedly so, perhaps).

So let's take a look at June, might want to put on goggles or other protective eye wear:

AIEEEEE, the 1990s!!

Specifically, though, check out this blurb:

No, Blackwulf wasn't "the NEXT generation of hero." Hell, he wasn't even his own generation of hero, coming and going in a ten-issue blink of an eye.

Inside, we got perhaps the most 90s panel ever, courtesy of Angel Medina and Bill Anderson:

Blackwulf--Killraven wants his costume back!!

Anyway, the next issue blurb compounds the cover's lie:

The Marvel Universe remained very much the same, thank you.

Oh, Blackwulf saw some limited guests from the Marvel Universe---some Skrulls, a Kree Sentry, Ultron, Hank Pym, Deathlok--but aside from his first teaser appearance in an issue of Thunderstrike, the favor was never returned, and Blackwulf and his ilk never appeared in any other Marvel Book.

And the secret race fleeing the Celestials and fighting a civil war beneath the surface of the Earth was never heard from again. Despite Ralph Macchio's assertion on the text page that "new blood is being injected into the Mighty Marvel mainstream" and that this series would "shake our unsuspecting civilization to its very foundation," Blackwulf faded away, destined to be forgotten, until not even the hardest-core Marvelite can recall anything about him.

Until the quarter bin...


  1. I just read Justice League (of not america) #1, and then I read a post about a quarter bin, and oddly they seem to fit together.

  2. I have never heard of this guy before. And judging by what you've said, it seems that there might have been good reason for that. Tell me something though, if you would; was the actual series by itself any good?

  3. kk--I've only read the first issue, which wasn't very good.

  4. Oh. Thanks -- yeah, no wonder the series ended so soon. When your first issue's a bust, you know you got problems...
