Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Geography And Weapons Lesson--T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Style!!

It seems that in the 1960s, tiny countries you've never heard of were being taken over on a daily basis, either in military coups or by psychotic Jezebels or by super-secret evil organizations.

And it didn't take much to succeed, either. Just invent one fancy (?) new weapon, and the nation would fall in 30 seconds.

Take, for example, the Middle Eastern nation of Israebia (Israebia? Really?):

Yup, all you needed was flashlight to kick their ass, apparently. And the new ruler?

"Phyllis Tyne"?? Get it? GET IT?!?!

Anyway, the Higher United Nations decided that this will not stand, and so they send in T.H.U.N.D.E.R., namely Len Brown, Dynamo!

Yeah, Len is still pretty damn stupid. Don't worry, eventually he triumphs.

Meanwhile, in another story in that same issue:

Yes, the "island republic of San Forizo" has had a military coup, but the leader is merely a puppet for the evil S.P.I.D.E.R.

And how do they intend to hold onto power against revolting peasants and "the army of liberation?" Secret weapon, of course!

"Retarded tree toad." Man, I am so using that all week...

So, of course, the Higher United Nations sends in T.H.U.N.D.E.R., and of course, Dynamo is stupid again. But he's not the only one this time:

So, if Len Brown was so stupid, why does T.H.U.N.D.E.R. keep sending him in?

Because he can do this:

When you can punch people a distance of 4 panels, your bosses overlook the stupid.

And now I think we understand how Qadaffi fell...

All stories from Dynamo #3 (1967).

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