Thursday, August 4, 2011

We Interrupt This Broadcast...

So, no substantial post today...

I'm wallowing in the greatest television show ever dealing with five--count 'em FIVE--Gamera movies!!

And how many of you knew that Gamera had his own theme song??

Always remember--Gamera is the friend of all children!!


  1. Tibby, Oh Tibby.......he runs like the wind. A couple of inches -aha - and then back again!

  2. I've got to argue on the "greatest" tv show part - always thought it was one of the worst. I didn't go to theatres for a decade or so because of those guys in the seats in front of us.

    But more to the point, does is have the raw versions of the Gamera movies on the disks?

  3. Sorry, Three, they aren't the raw originals. But the set does include the original Japanese trailers and some nice Gamera retrospective documentaries.
