Saturday, August 27, 2011

Self-Awareness Saturday--Grounded, The Rebuttal

Paul Cornell's two-panel reply to the concept of the Grounded storyline:

Really, couldn't someone hold told that to JMS a year ago?

From Action Comics #904.


  1. You think he would have listened?

  2. Wasn't he *taken off* S & WW because of how, um, fantastically well S:Earth One sold and he had to write the's that whole thing going anyways? Will it tie-in to The Twelve?

  3. He quit because he knew the reboot was coming. Even before Ambush Bug did. Figured there was no reason to continue, and he could do Earth Ones with less restrictions.

    Dick move, but it gave us the Roberson run, so that worked out for the best.

  4. It's actually a good thing JMS left early, because his original plans sounded really godawful.

    Roberson, on the other hand, really made some great lemonade out of the whole thing, though.
