Friday, August 19, 2011

Friday Night Fights--Skynet Style!!

Sometimes, you have to yield to the inevitability that mankind will be destroyed by machine intelligences. And I, for one, welcome our new robot overlords!!

Which brings us to this week's Friday Night Fight. Apparently having apparently gone nuts, Superman has been kidnapping people in some unnamed chunk of Middle Eastern desert, and forcing them to dig up an ancient tomb.

Naturally, this leads Batman to investigate:

And the big reveal?

Yes, it's a Superman robot, who was struck by lightning and gained sentience...and a thirst to put down Kal-El!!

So it's on...and Superman obviously has the upper hand, right?

But just then, Superman is hit a mysterious blast of red sun energy (don't ask):

OK, OK, since you asked, it came from an insane space mummy with a miniature red sun for a head. No, I'm not making that up. And that substantially evens the odds:

Can Batman help??


And so Superman Robot 15 defeated all heroes on Earth, and hooked them up to an energy Matrix, while creating more self-aware machines out of liquid metal, and removing the mouths of all humans so they cannot scream, and...

What? Superman and Batman recovered and defeated the robot? We weren't all subjugated by the machines?

Never mind. Boy, I bet Spacebooger's disappointed...

The near robot apocalypse was brought to you by Denny O'Neill, Dick Dillin and Joe Giella in World's Finest #202 (1971).

Now, there's a lot more more to discuss in this comic. So if you're really nice and vote for me, maybe I'll show you, amongst other things, Batman in a dune buggy. So go vote!


  1. Kryponite being such an easy out for lazy writers, all Green K on Earth had been turned to iron shortly before this.

    Red sun energy? Completely different!

    And how does adding red sun energy to our sun's yellow energy, the source of most of his powers, weaken Superman? That's like weakening Batman by lighting a candle next to him. Kryptonite made more sense to begin with.

  2. Well, as I understand the DC science as it evolved over the years, the radiation wavelengths of the red sun somehow block or deactivate the thingies in a Kryptonian's cells that convert yellow sunlight into super-energy...

  3. Superman's a gigantic anus here. I'm glad that robot kicked the crap out of him.
