Wednesday, May 4, 2011

My Offence Is Rank

So, IGN is running a feature on the "Top 100 Comic Book Heroes," gradually unveiling them through the week (as of this writing, they unveiled #61-100).

Now, I try not to get too bent out of shape of this kind of thing, because a) it's a free country b) any such list is inherently, ridiculously arbitrary and meaningless, so I know any list I produce would be just as questionable c) any list by committee, as this one, is going to produce even more arbitrary and more ridiculous result, and d) it's not going to effect anything, so who cares, really?

Still, I have to note something about this list. The criteria IGN editors used to compare apples to oranges? The heroes are "picked by their cultural impact, character development, social relevance, general cool factor, and importance of storylines."

I would just like to point out that, somehow, those criteria produce a list on which Supergirl (#94) is TEN places behind Ka-Zar (Ka-Zar?!!?!?), whose cool factor and important storylines and cultural impact obviously is far, far ahead of Kara's.

Supergirl is also TWELVE spots behind Ant-Man. Not the Hank Pym Ant-Man; not the Scott Lang Ant-Man. Supergirl is TWELVE spots behind the Eric O'Grady "Irredeemable" Ant-Man. The Hank Pym Ant-Man ranks a mere TWENTY-SEVEN spots ahead of Supergirl.

And Gambit ranks TWELVE spots ahead of Namor.

So, I'm thinking that pretty much says everything you need to know about this list...


  1. Oh good grief. What POSSIBLE criteria could they use that would skew the results so spectacularly?


  2. I loved the Atom entry. It was Ray Palmer this and Ray Palmer that, but the accompanying picture was of RYAN CHOI. Nice research, guys!

    Also, I love Ted Kord to pieces, but scoring him so far above "the Blacks" (Canary and Widow)? Really???

  3. Another criterion (not mentioned): Order in which we thought of any given character.

  4. Gambit above Namor... I say Fuck Yeah ! In all stories I've read about him, the only thing I wanted to see happen to Namor is to be decapitated, stuffed & mounted on the chimney of Dr Doom. That Spock-fish boy is such an unlikeable jerkoff that I'm amazed people root for him (strangely enough,Namora from Exiles is a far superior character & she didn't last long unfortunately. Ruthless as she was, she still acted in a way that convinces she's royalty & a fair leader...) Oh & Gambit? Hate the guy all you want but at the end of the day, he's maybe a shady Cajun prick, but he's a likeable & FUN Cajun Prick that can work as well as an x-man & definitely on his own. So I'd put Gambit in an anti-hero list before even thinking about Namor.

    The only Supergirl I ever cared for is Linda Danvers . I'd put that one 50 spots above Kara. Nothing to add about Pym other than he's a far cooler dude than anyone makes him out to be, & deserves far BETTER...
