Friday, May 6, 2011

Friday Night Fights--Destroyer Style!!

You guys do realize how hard I work for you, don't you?

This time around it's REPEAT--REHASH--REVENGE for Friday Night Fights, which means that we need to reuse one fighter from the previous week's battle in this week's mash-up.

Well, this being the debut week for the Thor you know how much effort it took to plan it so that Thor came up this week? The graphs, the charts, the reading of thousands of pages of comics books, all so I could make sure that, consistent with the rules, Thor could show up this week? You're welcome!!

(This means you should, of course, be prepared for who's going to be featured in the July 22nd fight...)

Anyhoo, last week we featured Daredevil vs. Doctor Doom, and surprisingly enough, there are damn few Daredevil vs. Thor fights in the canon. So obviously, we're using Victor Von D. But not quite as you might expect.

You see, Balder the Brave has turned out to be the stupidest king in the history of kings, because he accepted Doctor Doom's invitation for all the Asgardians to come live in Latveria. What could possibly go wrong??

Doom, of course, sets about butchering and experimenting on Asgardians to find the secret of their immortality and godliness, and Balder the Buffoon is none the wiser, until someone escapes to warn him. He calls Thor for help, but you see...

Doctor Doom has taken the Destroyer, "improved" it, and put himself physically inside it, all the better to crush Thor:

Doom is probably going to find a way to blame that on Reed Richards, isn't he? Spacebooger would...

Kieron Gillen and Billy & Batt Tan show us that, once again, Doom is a dumbass (but not as dumb as Balder) in Thor #606 (2010).

Now, I can't make you vote for me. But I can promise that, if I win this week, I will to drive up to Grand Rapids and see Thor in 3D IMAX. And isn't that what we all want for me?

1 comment:

  1. Aahh.. I loved the end of that "arc", as convenient and stupid it was to have all Asgardians moved to Latveria :P
