Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Charles Atlas Was Wrong!

As we saw earlier today, Jughead is so remarkably scrawny that he that merely gazing at his pasty flesh in a swimsuit can cause even friends and family to go mad!!

But, that scrawniness begs an important question:

Yeah, where does all that food go??

Well, if you remember the classic Charles Atlas ads, where the skinny guy gets the crap kicked out of him by the big guy at the beach:'re in for a big surprise. Because Charles Atlas was full of crap!! The true story went a little something like this:

"Dynamic tension" my ass!! So how did Jughead do it? We'll let resident comic book expert Betty explain:

Yup, Jughead is really Matter-Eater Lad! Someone call the Legion!!

From Jughead #257 (1976)

1 comment:

  1. Interesting concept, the Archies in the DC universe?

    There's certainly overlap, with teen sidekicks left-and-right aplenty (Snapper Carr, Jimmy Olsen, etc), a handful of Archie super-heroes (Pureheart the Powerful, Captain Hero, etc), plus the "serious" super-hero Archie line (the Shield, the Fox, etc) and the Hanna-Barbera cartoons for both (Marvin, Wendy, Wonder Dog, etc).

    If ever it does happen, I certainly wouldn't be against it; the DC universe seems expansive and homey enough to accommodate a more light-hearted ensemble as these, and they definitely have a few cartoony and/or comedic roots that Marvel never really they could and probably *would* benefit from some of the light-hearted humility that the Archie cast would bring.

    But remember to ask yourself: "If ever the Archie universe were to be assimilated into the DC Borg Collective (which is not implausible, given the licensing they did for their superhero characters under iMpact), would they be better served by stories in which Hot Dog mauls his master Jughead's aorta due to radioactive space spores or not? In this case, I'd like to think that the purity of the Archies' innocence would safeguard them from such silliness and instead refresh the general sanity of the DC universe.
