Sunday, April 10, 2011

Lana Lang--Patron Of The Arts!!

In previous entries, Lana Lang saw through a "time-viewing machine" that, in the future, Lois Lane would be Superman's girlfriend. So Lana proceeded to stalk the hell out of Lois, trying to alter that future. She attempted to sabotage Lois' attempt to become a reporter for the school paper. Strike one.

Then Lana tried to convince Lois that she had telepathy, so Lois would go into a career of science instead of journalism. Strike two.

But this is DC in the Silver Age, and all trials and quests take place in batches of three. So Lana has one more chance:

Well, yes, Pittsdale is no doubt swimming with French sculptors!

And like all Frenchmen, this artist has his...needs:

And what puts him "in the mood" when pretty high school girls show up at his studio asking for ridiculous favors? No, you dirty-minded people--it's FOOD!!

Ah, the mooching artist...truly, a stereotype one never tires of...

And that "huge" check was only $10.95?

Still, it was indeed worth it, as Monsieur Sculptor is indeed a genius!

Hmmm....still looks like one of those "Can You Draw Me?" ads... but what do I know?

Ah, but Lana, you can't change history in classic DC! And so...

Yes, that's how Krypto rolled, randomly damaging other people's property and destroying works of art, just because he hates cats!! Bad dog, Krypto!!

Sadly, thus endeth Lana's plans to stop that "hussy" Lois Lane from becoming a reporter, and thus inevitably smoochin' it up with the future Man Of Steel.

Of course, nowadays, since DC history can apparently be changed at the drop of the tiniest hat,
perhaps Lana should try again...

From Superboy #90 (1961) as reprinted in Superboy #165 (1970).


  1. Apparently $10.95 in 1961 dollars is worth $81.05 in 2011 dollars. So, yeah, that's a pretty hefty lunch bill for one person.

  2. Jon--it's even worse, though. Remember, although the story was published in 1961, it's actually set sometime in the past, as it's a story from when Superman was still in high school. The same story earlier told us it was before the U.S. developed the atom bomb!

    If we call that 1945, then, the lunch was worth $131.21! If we assume 1940, that's $168.35!!

    So if that check would "keep Lana broke for a week," you have to wonder about her allowance...

  3. That kind of free meal would inspire me...after a little post-prandial nap, of course. Since Frenchy is a professional, he doesn't need to rest up to produce. If only Krypto didn't have the ability to "dive with the force of a projectile" everything would have been tres bon.
