Thursday, March 10, 2011

Oh, Sweet Terror!

So, I'm reading reading New Avengers #10--no, that's not the terror, smart ass--and I come across this ad:


For those not hip to the ways of Serling, the doll is Talky Tina, from the 1963 Twilight Zone episode "Living Doll." Check it out here on YouTube, or just wait for the next holiday when lazy SyFy programmers will strip TZ all weekend for the umpteenth time.

25 minute story writ short: Telly Savalas is a real jerk to his step-daughter, and really dislikes the new talking doll mom bought her. Well, he has some reason, because when no one else is around, it keeps saying stuff like "My name is Talky Tina, and I don't like you very much," or "My name is Talky Tina, and I'm going to kill you." SPOILER ALERT: She does.

And, yes, this replica doll says those exact phrases.

But isn't $139 a crazy amount for a talking doll? Sure, but the doll isn't available until July, so if you start saving your shekels now, you'll be able to afford it!

Plus, if you have a friend and/or relative who knows the episode, just think of the mirth and hilarity if you were to sneak into their house and leave this little beauty in their bedroom? The screams of terror, possible heart attack and their inability to sleep anymore with the lights off will be worth every penny!! (Bonus suggestion: buy several, and leave them everywhere throughout the house!! Make sure to have those webcams ready!!)

Also available for a cheaper price (but less frightening) is the Talky Tina Talking Bobblehead:

Or, if you're rolling in dough, you can go for a fully functional replica of William Shatner's fortune telling machine!! Yeah, it's $250, but you'll know the future! And, you know--SHATNER!!

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