Saturday, March 5, 2011

Nothing If Not Trendy

Guess who has a mighty convoy??

Yes, it's 1976, and if any comic strip was eager to latch on to trends, it was Archie!!

Go ahead...try and explain to kids today about the CB craze of the mid-1970s. I dare you.

of course, Archie being Archie, he was pretty white bread and "listen to the man" about this hot new outlaw trend:

How big was Archie glomming onto this trend?

Archie Comics apparently had a "CB Editor"!! Really!!

Of course, just to prove that this is 1976, even the ads in this year were time-capsule worthy:

Ah, mood rings...

Somehow pet rocks are forgotten in Archie #256 (1976)


  1. "Go ahead...try and explain to kids today about the CB craze of the mid-1970s. I dare you."

    Easy. It's twitter. On a radio.

  2. Oh, dude, CB was so much more than that! It was an entire outsider/outlaw culture hidden within our spawned movies and TV series and hit pop songs and...
