Friday, March 25, 2011

Friday Night Fights--Gambling Style!!

It's the prize round for this bout of Friday Night Fights, and it has been decreed that we must show a fight wherein the hero takes down one or more thugs/henchmen. And this time, we're playing for money!!

Well, Superboy is glad to oblige. You see, the evil super-gambler Lucifer Chancel has set up a racket in Smallville, wherein he sets up traps and disasters for Superboy, and has goons from across the country wager on the results.

Well, Lucifer--by chance--discovers Superboy's secret identity, and kidnaps Ma and Pa Kent to ensure Superboy's continued compliance.

Not a good idea, because after a trick to convince everyone they have the wrong secret identity, Superboy takes down the legion of gambling goons--replete with gambling lingo:

And of course, we must have a moral to the story:

So don't gamble, kids--unless its a state-supported lottery, of course. Those aren't evil.

(Wagering on Friday Night Fights is also acceptable, as long as Spacebooger has received your parents' permission slips)

Jim Shooter, Al Plastino, and George Klein set up the pins that Superboy knocks down in Superboy #140 (1967).

Now, there is mucho prize money involved in this, so if (if!) you vote for my fight, I can spend that $5 Amazon gift certificate on silly and completely non-important. You wouldn't want me to go without, would you??

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