Monday, January 17, 2011

Manic Monday--Just How Powerful Is Disney??

You know, when I look at the new "back" of the U.S. penny...

...I can't help but be reminded of this:

Yes, it looks like Captain America's original shield, doesn't it?

Now, maybe that just shows what a demented comics fan I am, with my poor frazzled brain immediately responding with Simon and Kirby imagery to a real-world picture.

But then again, maybe the Disney corporation is so powerful, they actually got the U.S. government to change the back of the penny as a way to subliminally promote the upcoming Captain America movie.

I know which of those option I believe...


  1. That would have been....quite a move on Disney's part!! °__O

    I call it conspirations!!
    They' hiding subliminal images for us!!

  2. Orrrr...maybe the image of the triangular shield as a symbol of America, freedom, defense and liberty just *pre-dates* BOTH of those particular usages by Captain America and the United States Mint, which is *why* they both used it in the first place?

    Simple answers are usually best, right? Sheesh, sometimes, people...
