Wednesday, January 26, 2011

La Più Ridicolmente Lasciando Freddo Usi Dei Poteri Ciclope--Capitolo Uno

So Cyclops, perpetually worried about the dangers of his powers...Cyclops, whose eyebeams can shatter mountains...Cyclops, the broodiest bastard on Earth...

He's using his eyebeams to cut a cake? I mean...


What do you mean you can't read it?

Let me see....Oh, sorry, I used my Italian X-Men reprint to scan that panel. Silly me! I just assumed that everyone had found Italian X-Men Annuals in the quarter bin!!

Here's the original panel for you...

Nice to know that"Hmmph!" is the same in any language!!

Panels from X-Men #4 (1964) and X-Men Gli Anno D'oro #1 (1995).

Before you ask, "gli" is the Italian article "the" used with masculine words that begin with vowels. It is NOT Glee. No, there is no Italian Glee/X-Men crossover. That would be...that would...hmmm...

Hey, somebody get me Marvel on the phone, stat!


  1. Looking forward to more from the series, also about the other X-Men (and maybe other superheroes and -villains)!
    It's been a while since I took Italian in college, but I think in proper Italian it should be something like "gli usi dei poteri di Ciclope che ridicolmente ci lasciono i più freddi" (The uses of the powers of Cyclops that ridiculously leave us the coldest).

  2. Any credit or blame for the Italian goes to Google translator. I know zero Italian.

  3. Only if the marvel/glee crossover involves doing the "Rocky Horror Picture show." Cyclops can be brad. Jean is of course Janet. Come on, you want it, you know you do!

    Lazarus Lupin
    art and review

  4. Eurghh, those beams came out of Scitt's filth eyes, probably full of interdimensional bugs, and touched the cake!

  5. weird how they translated 'maybe you just don't live right, junior' into 'what's your problem junior?'

    but then again, considering how off italian translations can be, this one is pretty much perfect.

  6. If only Scott could surround himself with cakes, he could live a normal life...
