Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Most Ludicrously Underwhelming Use Of Marvel Girl's Powers--Chapter #4

While the rest of the X-Men are put through their rigorous "post-graduate" exercises in the Danger Room...

Marvel Girl is given something else to do...

Watch as Scott Summers puts her through her paces:

A new record!! Scott sure loves to time Jean...

And the final result?

You dropped a stitch, you harlot!!!!!!!!

From X-Men #8 (1964).


  1. Phew! Now if the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants ever challenge the X-Men to a sewing bee, we KNOW humanity will be safe!

  2. Ladies and gentle I present to you Cyclops..
    the enduring mystery of the X-men is how this humorless clown hemroid is still around. Maybe he and Pym have a beer and share "war stories" about their old ladies.

    Lazarus Lupin
    art and review

  3. Thank you, Snell! This is the sequence I was referring to in Chapter #1's comments!

    Ok, my memory was slightly off -- the Beast isn't leaping over pits of spikes and the Angel isn't swooping through flaming rings. But the mundane sight of Jean doing telekinetic needlepoint stuck with me. Why? Whhhyyyyyyy???!

  4. Lazarus, Scott and Hank have more in common then you might think. They both married women who resembled their first loves and treated them badly.

  5. Welcome, Teebore.

    In fairness, there is some benefit in Jean practicing finer control with her powers. But still...

    Warren--the were hoops (but no fire)...I just didn't show them.

    But stay tuned. This is far from the worst of Jean's Danger Room exercises...
