Friday, December 17, 2010

Friday Night Fights--LIOBEAR Style!!

For Friday Night Fights this week, let us travel 700 years into the future, as mankind struggles to survive in the post-apocalyptic wasteland of New York.

But mankind has a hero--THE MIGHTY SAMSON!! Samson, mutant blessed with impossible strength!! Samson, protector of mankind!! Samson, able to defeat any foe!!


Not the dreaded Liobear!?!? Head of a giant lion, body of a giant bear, stronger than both football teams combined (which isn't saying much...)!! Can even the Mighty Samson survive this devastating encounter?? Let's watch...

YAAABLAM!!!!! Spacebooger is going to stop cutting his hair, in hopes of acquring Samson-ite strength!!

Otto Binder and Frank Thorne demonstrate that some days you get the Liobear, and some days the Liobear gets you, in Mighty Samson #1 (1964), and reprinted in this week's Mighty Samson #1. All of this has happened before, and all of this will happen again...

Now please, go and vote for me as the winner of this week's fight, or Dark Horse might revive Space Family Robinson next...and trust me, you really, really don't want that!


  1. Wait, was B'wana Beast anywhere near this?

  2. And the moral of the story is...if you are going to be fighting giant mutant lion/bears, make sure that you are in a gym.

  3. What science fiction has taught us, Sally, is that any problems in the post-apocalyptic world can be solved by the same 20th century tech and culture that led to that apocalypse in the first place...
