Friday, November 19, 2010

Friday Night Fights--Siege Of The Superbeasts Style!!

Folks, you're in for a treat tonight. It's a long one, but read to the's worth it.

I've been saving this particular fight for a special occasion--and it don't get no specialler than the Prize Fight Finale for the Fair Fight Free-For-All in Friday Night Fights.

And why is this fight so special? One word: GODZILLA!!

This one is a corker. Our story so far? Two alien civilizations--the Alphas and the Betas--have been at war for generations. Having long ago used up all of their own resources, they've taken to a) taking big-ass monsters from prehistoric planets, and bioengineering them into awesome battle-beasts to do much of the fighting for them; and b) plundering "strategic" worlds for their resources.

And--surprise--Earth is strategic.

The Alphans are at the end of their rope, and have no more battle beasts. So they come to Earth and recruit Godzilla, because a) he's awesome and b) he can stop the Betans' battle-beasts from devastating earth.

But the Betan beasts have already knocked giant mecha anti-Godzilla robot Red Ronin out of the fray, AND the Betans just bathed their beasts in the Energex ray...making them faster, stronger, tougher.

So here's where we stand:

Who are these battle beasts?? There's Triax--he kinda looks like the Muppet/turtle/rhino mash-up, and he can fly like a jet!!

Then there's Krollar, the burrowing, dirt-spitting insecty-looking bro:

Finally, there's Rhian (or as Dum Dum Dugan calls him, "clam-face"): a big chompy face and a helicopter blade for a tail:

Now, things are not looking good for the G-Zill, because guided by the Betans, they're teaming up against him, and not letting him catch a breath.


But, hey, Earth is our planet, too. So Dum Dum and S.H.I.E.L.D. manage to distract a couple of the beasts, letting Godzilla focus on the one-on-one fights. And, brother, a focused Godzilla is, and will always be, THE KING OF THE MONSTERS!!

Down goes Krollar!! Down goes Krollar!!

Sayonara, Triax!!

Which leaves just Clam-Face:

GODZILLA IS DA MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Folks, Spacebooger had to pick himself off the floor after seeing this fight, brought to us by Doug Moench, Herb Trimpe and Dan Green in Godzilla #14 (1978)

Now, be a mensch, go vote. Because while I haven't seen any of the other fights yet, well, they can't possibly be as awesome as this one, can they??

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