Thursday, October 14, 2010

Trial Of The Century Part II

Well, my trial is still going on... my civic duty to be on a jury... keeping me from doing more substantial posts.

Trust me, this whole business caused my to get my comics several hours later than normal, so I was this mad:

And no, nothing remotely this cool happened:

And objections are a lot more boring than this guy would have you believe:

Sadly, this is a far more accurate depiction of my trial so far...

...except mine is far less enthralling...

Hopefully, wrapped up and back to normal soon...


  1. Discussing the trial on a blog? Didn't the judge tell you not to discuss the case?

    The time I was on a jury, we got sequestered. No comics or internet for me for 5 days! No TV either. Just the Gideon Bible.

    I know you've all thought that if you ever got on a jury you'd want a cool case. Trust me. You do not want.

  2. Oh, saying that I was on a jury is hardly discussing the case, Mutt. No one could divine a single detail of the trial from my Google Image search generic parade of comic book covers, I assure you. (And given the subject matter of the trial, I'm confident that no comic book cover ever could...)

    But trial over, I'm free now.

  3. Well, I'll sustain your objection, but only if you tell us the whole story of Mr. "Brains" Matrix and the School-House Confusion.

  4. Sorry, I wish I could. I don't have that issue, I just pulled the cover off of GCD. I'm pretty curious myself...
