Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Maybe He's An Insomniac?

So, Amazing Spider-Man Annual #4 (1967) contains a two-page spread illustrating Peter Parker and Harry Osborn's swinging bachelor pad. Why? Because that's the kind of things Marvel Annuals did, silly!

Let's take a closer look at Pete's room, shall we?

Do you see what's missing here??

Where's the bed?? Where the heck does Peter sleep?? (and for that matter, where did he and Gwen...oh, never mind, Comics Code and all that).

Plus, Peter Parker was a college student in the 1960s, and there are no black light posters on his wall?

Also of note:

A full chemistry lab?? In your room? Bro, that's gotta violate your lease or something...and your roommate probably thinks you're running a meth lab--and with Harry Osborn, it's a pretty important NOT to let him think that, right??

A filing cabinet? Really, Peter, a filing cabinet in your bedroom?

Man, that's an awful lot of batteries for a device that Spider-Man doesn't use very often. There must have been a sale at Costco or something...


  1. The blacklight poster is on the wall we're breaking through to see the room. Since he's Spider-Man, we can assume the bed is on the wall as well.

  2. It looks like the bed is in the living room, if you ask me. Maybe Pete and Harry slept like bros in the same bed.

    The sixties were a weird time, you know...
