Monday, September 27, 2010

Manic Monday--Bizarro Am Not Jumping Shark

The exact moment at which the Bizarro concept really really made my head hurt:

Bizarro-Titano? Really? The Kookie Super-Ape?

And wait...if you're Bizarro, Titano's trying to kill you would indeed make him your friend (because Bizarro friends would do the opposite of normal friends, right?)...but then wouldn't you say the opposite, that's he's not a friend (just the way you say goodbye when you arrive and hello when you leave)??

And wait, if Titano really is doing Bizarro a "big favor", why would everyone else be "jealous?" Wouldn't they be the opposite of jealous??

And wait a minute, wouldn't Bizarro-Luthor be stupider than all of the other Bizarros, not smarter??

Oh, my aching head...

I'm with Elaine on this one:

1 comment:

  1. Okay, my head hurts :)

    The "does he live underwater?" bit of Elaine's criticisms always struck me as so brilliant. :)
