Friday, September 3, 2010

Friday Night Fights--Mild-Mannered Fruiterer Style!!

Folks, you better brace yourself, because you're going to get a Friday Night Fight like you've never had before. And I apologize in advance.

We've spent much of this week wallowing in the glory that was Bunny, Harvey Comics' attempt to be cool, hip and with it in the 1960s.

But what I haven't talked about is the back-up feature that ran through all the issues of Bunny--Fruitman!!

Who dat?

Percival Pineapple, mild-mannered fruiterer (yes, that is a word!), you see, had the power to transform himself into any type of fruit.


Now, you may not think that makes him much of a crime fighter, but oh, how wrong you would be. As you can see, he even got his own special.


Anyway, in this tale from Bunny #9 (1969) (sadly, no credits are available!!), Percival learns that the two no-goodniks are planning to rob the bank!

And the plan works, because in the 1960s, people would stop whatever they were doing if someone walked in and started singing rock 'n' roll!!

But fortunately, Fruitman was on the scene!! Just watch!!

OK, that just happened. Somebody actually published that, and 41 years later I reprinted panels from it. This may be the apex of our culture...

Even though the intensity of Fruitman's fight against evil just put Spacebooger into a coma, you should make sure you go and vote for my fight. Because trust me, I've got lots more Fruitman fights I could run if you don't!!

And all you readers--join in the fights. Lordy, if I can make do with Fruitman, you cats can whip up something pretty compelling from your collections, right? Come play each Friday!!


  1. This wins the prize for the weirdest thing I've seen all week. :-)

  2. This post was BERRY entertaining!
