Monday, August 23, 2010

Manic Monday Double Secret Probation--The Return Of Bruce Wayne Reviewed

Clawing his way through time, trying to get back to the future, Bruce Wayne finds himself taking on various guises throughout history, including a pirate:

Oh, wait...that's not Bruce Wayne as a pirate, that's Spock as a pirate. Sorry about that.

But at least there's a cute puppy in the shot, right?

For the full story on this apparently abominable coloring book, check out the full story here. And really, you should be reading Plaid Stallions every day for the "best" in 1970's fashions, toys, coloring books, and super-heroes appearing at malls.


1) Hey, Grant Morrison--you skipped right from Caveman Batman to Pilgrim Batman!! Where the hell is Gladiator Batman, or Knight Of The Round Table Batman?? Huh?!?! I (and doubtless toymakers) want to know!!

2) Hey, Siskoid--I think you skipped that coloring book in your daily Star Trek reviews. You gonna go back and do that one? Huh? Huh?? And are you going to cover THIS in your Hamlet blog?? Well???????


  1. Ok, not the coloring book, but I just might leave the Gilligan's Island Hamlet musical on the blog without comment.

  2. I can answer question #1...

    Because gladiators and knights were never present in the Americas. They belong to Rome and feudal Europe.

    Caveman, pilgrim, pirate, gumshoe, etc? They're all present in North American history.

  3. Oh, come on, Harlock--it's a comic book!! If they can have a caveman in North America (of which there were none), Morrison could certainly found a way to work in a gladiator. Heck, he himself had a series where a Arthurian knight is wandering around Los Angeles in 2005!
