Thursday, August 26, 2010

Great Moments In Product Placement

For reason we shan't go into here, Superman owes an awful lot of of money.

So he hauls this abandoned French Foreign Legion fort in Africa (!) to an elephant's graveyard (!), and...

Unfortunately, this is one of those stories where everything goes wrong for the Man Of Steel. So:

So that's how Superman is going to make his bucks--shilling for Proctor & Gamble!! Ivory Soap is better than ivory tusks, indeed!! (FYI, "It floats!" was Ivory's first slogan, back in 1891!)

Alas, poor Kal-El is not happy with his merchandising check:

And why, exactly, did Superman need a billion dollars? That's a story for another day...

Surely DC's motives were 99 44/100% pure for mentioning Ivory soap and it's slogan in Superman #148 (1961), as reprinted in Superman #284 (1975).

1 comment:

  1. so what would happen if bizzaro would turn that ray on a person?

    Lazarus Lupin
    art and review
