Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Creative Bankruptcy

So, we all know that Marvel's creative strategy for the past few years has been to...borrow heavily...from DC.

Still, they can't keep that up, can they?

Well, yesterday Marvel announced a spin-off of the Chaos War event, Chaos War: Dead Avengers. Written by Fred Van Lente and drawn by Tom Grummett, it features a whole bunch of Avengers--back from the dead!! (Really--like we needed Dr. Druid resurrected?)

Today, they announced Chaos War: Alpha Flight, starring--you guessed it--all the original, dead members of Alpha Flight brought back to life.


Obviously, there will be more announcements to come--Chaos War: Spider-Man, reviving Gwen Stacy and Uncle Ben, anyone?--and I wager 50,000 quatloos that some of the dead will be permanently revived.

Geez louise, Marvel, couldn't you even wait a full year until you ripped off Blackest Night?!? Really?? You're that desperate for ideas?!?


  1. No hatin' on Alpha Flight! I don't care who they have to rip off to give me the original team back.

    Though I would have much preferred AF's fighting their way forward through time. I dearly need to see me some Western Snowbird and Pirate Sasquatch.

  2. Oh, there's no AF hate here, just some healthy Marvel skepticism.

  3. I can't wait to read "Captain America's Walk Across America, Talking to Americans....."(guest-starring Wolverine....the Canadian)

  4. As long as they don't kill off Valeria Richards in an earthquake and make Hawkeye or Kate Bishop a one-armed drug addict.

  5. Well, at least they already did the "bring back a passle of dead mutants" bit with Necrosha earlier on...
